

"Performance of replacement of elbows on the 2nd Stage heater on the EC-1 Legnica boiler" for Energorem.

The task consisted of cutting out the old elbows, preparing the pipes for welding new elbows and welding new elbows in place of the old ones, recovering the connecting plates and reconstructing them with welding. 100% of welds tested by UT, 10% tested by X-ray.

"Construction of steam and condensate system for 2 steam boilers including installation of all fittings" for El-BUD company.

"Welding of chambers in X10Crmovnb9-1 steel" for Remak-Energomontaż S.A on a boiler in Bonn - Germany.

'Welding of 13Crmo4-5 and 16Mo3 steel chambers and coils' for Silka Invest

"Welding of steam pipelines" for the company ZEC Service - Zespół Elektrowni Wrocławskich Kogeneracja S.A.